Hold Jeremy Hunt accountable for lying: NHS junior contract imposition was not supported!

Jeremy Hunt has been caught lying in order to force through a new junior doctor's contract against the will of NHS staff. He claimed support for an imposed contract from 20 NHS chief executives. But 11 out of the 20 executives have said that they had not offered their support, and hoped for further negotiations. Please sign this petition to demand that Jeremy Hunt is held to account for his wilfull deceit, both by his party and by the High Court.

Doctors say that the new contract will lead to unsafe working conditions and put patients at risk. But Jeremy Hunt has ended negotiations and is attempting to force hospitals to accept his terms. Now it is clear he has no interest in democracy, and is willing to lie to the public to get his way.

Jeremy Hunt is a publicly appointed figure with a huge amount of power over our daily lives. His actions make him unfit for public service. Please sign this petition to demand that the Government and the High Court perform a transparent and just inquiry into Jeremy Hunt's intentional deception of the public.

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 8 ans
Hi all. Just to let you know that this petition has been emailed to the Prime Minister and to the Department of Health. We have also asked some junior doctor union reps if they wish to apply to the High Court for a judicial review, as we decided we should not apply on their behalf.
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