STOP THE VIOLENCE in the Utrish dolphinarium!
- par: Yana Ageeva
- destinataire: to set the dolphins free and to put them into their natural habitat
Indifference to sufferings and Exploitation of happiness. STOP THE VIOLENCE
The tragedy is going on in the Utrish dolphinarium in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Six dolphins (four afalinas and two belugas) are incarcerated in a tiny swimming pool used by soviet sportsmen in the past. 30 meters of length and 4.7 meters of depth are reserved now for six sea mammals used to cross up to 60 km by day and dive to 200 meters of depths (Violette Pouillard, GAIA). A cage, incarceration, tortures - the words that come to mind. Unfortunately they reflect reality. Sea animals with cerebrum and moral values that for sure surpass the human ones (Yvon Godefroid, DAUPHIN LIBRE) are exploited cruelly by their owners and trainers. Who has given an authorization to exploit them, to exploit their ability to the happiness, their friendly attitude towards humans? With what purpose? At what price? Price is too high. The life. In 2007 one dolphin, they called him Volca, has died. The reason is - despair and impasse. His friends, four other captive afalinas - Bayan, Dasha, Muza, little Neon born in captivity to Dasha and Volca after some months of his father death, and two belugas - Mihei and Polina, are forced like before to be the artists for the innocent viewers. Like before they are condemned to imprisonment. What reward? Applause, refrigerated fish, antidepressants and medicines that put down natural need and instincts - free movements, games they used to play in their natural habitat, hunting. Owners of the sea mammals defend themselves and proclaim the aim of this brutal exploitation - science. But days pass in the dolphinarium to prepare the shows , ten times by week and earn 200 rubles (4 euro) by day for each spectator. The spectators -parents and their children - they are happy, but some of them nevertheless are concerned over animals behavior - why the dolphins dont vocalize, why they obey orders with many mistakes and unwillingly, why they have lackluster or faraway look ?
Despair and disbelief in return in natural habitat one day will lead them to a logic scenario - death. Are we so indifferent, cruel and avaricious to pay this price?