Demand an End to Bullfighting in Mexico

In a monumental step, Mexico City lawmakers have voted to ban traditional bullfighting, prohibiting the injuring or killing of bulls for sport. While this move has been hailed as a victory for animal welfare, we still face the fact that bullfighting without violence is still allowed, meaning the bulls are still exploited for entertainment. The time has come to end this cruel practice altogether and create a future where animals are no longer subjected to the horrors of bullfighting.

Sign the petition to demand the full abolition of bullfighting in Mexico, not just a modified version.

The recent legislation, which allows for "bullfighting without violence," is a step in the right direction, but it's not enough. Animals are still being exploited, and bulls continue to suffer in these events.

Bullfighting has long been associated with cruelty, where bulls are subjected to pain and stress for the sake of human entertainment. The sad reality is that even with the modified rules, the bulls are still forced into the ring, still made to endure unnecessary distress, and still treated as commodities for people's amusement. No animal should have to endure such a fate.

Sign the petition to demand the full abolition of bullfighting in Mexico and ensure the safety and welfare of bulls across the country.

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