Don’t act blindly, treat us kindly

Animal cruelty is one of the biggest issues in the world. Why do they deserve this? What have they done wrong? It's time to save lives and fix our mistakes. What we're doing is inhuman. We all know of this issue so stop turning a blind eye! It's time to make a change.. Starting today!

Dear Malcolm Turnbull,

It's time to face this issue of animal cruelty. How can we all just sit back knowing the loved ones we share the world with are in danger? We recognise bullying and crime deeply which is great but we're not doing enough for these innocent animals! They breath the same air, their hearts beat in the same way but we still don't defend them as much as we should. There is still animal abuse, owners failing to give correct amounts of food, unfrequent vet check ups, incorrect amounts of movement/space etc. We have to be their voice as they don't have their own in this society. This country could do so much better e.g closer attention on repeat offenders. Why should they suffer from our wrong doing? It's just common sense knowing what is cruel e.g huskies in hot weather or a sheep dog in an apartment. It's inhuman and we can make a difference together. Please help, if you have the power to make a difference.. why not use it in good use?


Animal lovers


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