Etsy offers a shop front online for small businesses. It is now profiting from the sale of real fur items made with fresh fur skinned from the bodies of trapped and farmed animals.
The animal abuse involved in getting this fur is horrific and well documented.
Wild foxes in the UK are being trapped and killed for their skins, with Etsy happily providing a market for the skins of these poor animals. Foxes especially suffer terribly in tiny cages and the conditions the 'farmed' ones are raised in are so appalling that fur farms are banned in the UK.
Etsy has deliberately set itself up as an ethical marketplace; the natural home of crafters and sellers who love and respect the environment. But where is the moral high ground in boasting that you are 'carbon neutral' if part of your profits come from the slaughtering and skinning of half alive animals?
We want Etsy to change the Animal Products policy to ban the sale of fur except on Vintage (older than 20 years) clothing.
Ban the sale of animal fur Etsy!