Demand City of Boulder to PROTECT this CUB and his mom and sibling!

  • par: Sarah Hauck
  • destinataire: City of Boulder: City Council, Urban Wildlife Conservation Coordinator, Code Enforcement

Call to Action
Boulder Citizen Request to the City of Boulder

Following the killing of Bear 317, residents of Boulder and surrounding areas have become increasingly concerned about the city’s management of wildlife. Currently in town, there is another mother bear with two cubs. We do NOT want them to meet the same fate as Bear 317.

It is well known that bears are lured into residential areas by the promise of food that can be obtained from improperly secured trash. This year bears are venturing further east into new neighborhoods that have not seen bears in years past and are not necessarily equipped with the knowledge needed to safely coexist with wildlife.
In some of these areas, residents are putting out trash the night before trash pick up (and in some cases are leaving their trash out 24/7), and as a result, trash is strewn throughout the night. Not all residents are aware that bear resistant containers are available and provide an effective solution nor are they aware of tools available to report trash violations, eg Inquire Boulder.

Boulder Bear Coalition (BBC) and Colorado Parks and Wildlife have been increasing educational efforts about trash storage, but they need the city’s help. Therefore, we the undersigned urge the city council and code enforcement to do their part by actively educating citizens and enforcing existing trash regulations.

As mentioned in a letter sent to the city by BBC: “Hibernation is just weeks away, as mother bears often hibernate mid to end of October. However, hibernation is known to be delayed if there continues to be a food source. As we all know by now, relocation does not work if the attractant remains, so relocation is simply not an option (as the fate of Bear 317 clearly shows). The problem is trash. This neighborhood (where the other trio has been spotted) is clearly in need of increased enforcement and education. Unless enforcement is stepped up… these bears will most likely meet the same fate as Bear 317 and her cubs. To be very clear, [our] goal is to protect this mother bear and her two cubs from an unnecessary death. We know that there are clear things we can be doing, but it is not clear… what the city is doing to prevent another killing of a mother bear and orphaning of her cubs. “

We fully support BBC’s request and ask that the city act on this at once.

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