Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to gain just for a young dog that was beaten, shot several times and dragged behind a possible ATV. The family is in mourning over finding that pet deceased and apparently tortured. Get the scumbag who did this off the streets!!
Scotty was a four year old Australian Shepherd with the sweetest personality. While in an assisted living facility, the owner’s son-in-law discovered Scotty in the back yard, apparently suffering from being beaten, a large bullet wound in the stomach and signs of being dragged by a larger vehicle like an ATV. Caudle, the people’s daughter stated that Scotty was a very sweet dog that would never hurt anyone or leave it’s yard willingly. “He always greeted you at the car door when returning home” stated Joy Caudle. “He was such a loving, caring dog.”
Scotty lived in Germanton, NC and can’t imagine why anyone would do this to such a sweet being. They apparently had to walk onto the property to do such a thing. The family had no enemies. “I can’t image what goes through somebody’s mind. Why would you do this?” Caudle said. “It just hurts our heart we just want justice for Scotty,” she added. The family is offering a reward for information that could lead to an arrest.
Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to gain just for a young dog that was beaten, shot several times and dragged behind a possible ATV. The family is in mourning over finding that pet deceased and apparently tortured. Get the scumbag who did this off the streets!!
Forsyth County Sheriff’s Department or Forsyth County Animal Control – Please continue your investigation until you do find the beast who tortured a beautiful, innocent family dog that did not deserve the abuse it endured. Look into all clues and encourage the public to share any tips that may get this monster caught, off the streets and severely punished. Gain justice for Scotty and other animals out there who could fall prey to this inhumane individual. This is a dangerous individual!