Arizona: Don't Support Puppy Mills

As more people become aware of the inhumane conditions many of those irresistibly cute puppies being sold in pet stores are kept in before they arrive there, more continue to push for bans on selling them this way.

In Arizona, two major cities have successfully banned sales of dogs and cats in pet stores in an effort to close more markets for bad breeders and get more pets adopted, in addition to protecting us from unwittingly taking home pets with serious and costly health and behavioral problems.

Unfortunately, lawmakers in the state are now working to put profits before the welfare of dogs and are putting these common sense bans in jeopardy with legislation that will not only overturn existing ones in the state, but will also stop communities from having any say about regulations that affect pets in the future.

They say pet stores aren't the problem, and the proposed legislation will ensure dogs come from breeders licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. However, as those who are working to shut bad breeders down continue to point out that USDA standards don’t really mean much when it comes to proper care and treatment of dogs and most of the requirements definitely don't line up with what we expect is being done.

Please sign and share this petition asking lawmakers in Arizona not to pass legislation that will overturn existing bans on the retail sale of dogs in pet stores.

As someone who is concerned with animal welfare and the humane treatment of dogs, I am writing to express my extreme disappointment over recently introduced legislation that will put bans on pet store sales of dogs in jeopardy in Arizona.

These so-called puppy mill bills have been enacted in major cities across the nation by people who recognize that dogs aren't mere products to be used to support economic growth. They are living beings who deserve to be treated humanely. Unfortunately, many commercial breeders continue to exploit them for nothing more than profit, and this has led to many problems regarding their physical and psychological well being, in addition to adding to the number of companion animals being needlessly killed every year because no one adopts them.  

Retail sales have also caused issues for consumers who unwittingly buy puppies from pet stores, only to be left with emotional and financial burden of caring for a new family member that has health and behavioral problems.

It is very distressing to see lawmakers taking action that will continue to hurt dogs and consumers, while using woefully inadequate U.S. Department of Agriculture standards as some sort of mark of proper care.

I sincerely hope you will oppose this legislation and any attempt in the future that will keep the door open for bad breeders in Arizona.


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