PLEASE sign and share this petition.  This dog, again, needs to go back home to it's loving family!!!!

On 12th May this year some lady & her dog were attacked in a nearby field were Des's owner used to live. The description given was a young girl with a cross breed type dog. With the owner being a young girl with a large cross breed dog in the area she was arrested and they seized Des too. On 14th July no further action was taken. However, on the 16th July the police rang her to tell her they were not giving her dog back due to him being a pitbull type dog. On 15th August she was charged with owning a fighting dog under section 1 of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991!!  Please, sign and share and let's get this dog back home where it belongs.  Don't like dogs?  It costs £2 million a year to the taxpayer to seize these little innocents!!

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
Des is still being held under Breed Specific Legislation but both he and his family are now in the hands of the fantastic charity, DDA Watch, and their solicitor, Wheldon Law. Fingers and paws crossed for a beautiful outcome and thank you so much for signing this petition.
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