This Dog Is Still Missing After Elevator Footage Showed a Man Beating and Hanging It

  • par: Care2 Team
  • destinataire: Portland Police Bureau
Earlier this month, harrowing footage captured by an elevator camera showed a man mercilessly abusing a dog in Portland, Oregon. Now, the man is in custody…but the dog is nowhere to be found.

It is very likely this dog needs immediate medical attention. Sign the petition to urge Portland Police Bureau (PPB) to do everything they can to find this poor dog!

The abuser in the video has thankfully been found and charged, and not a moment too soon. His actions in the footage are horrific -- still photos show him swinging a long, heavy rope above his head and whipping it down onto a black dog. The dog is cowering in fear, but has nowhere to go -- it is terrifyingly trapped in the elevator with this violent man.

And the man doesn't stop there. He goes on to hang the poor, terrified dog from a fire extinguisher in the elevator so he could kick it over, and over, and over again. The sheer violence and hatred is sickening.

After receiving the footage, Portland Police sent out a desperate call for the public's help in finding the person responsible for this abuse. And thankfully, he has been found and charged with multiple felony counts of aggravated animal abuse. But when asked about the dog's whereabouts, he wouldn't give an answer. This poor pup is out there somewhere, terrified and in pain, or worse.

While we are incredibly glad that this man has been stopped from harming any more animals for the time being, and is being held accountable for his horrific actions, it is incredibly concerning that this dog hasn't been found yet. We need to keep the pressure on and spread the word so that if this dog is still out there, it can receive the medical care it desperately needs, along with love and care.

Sign the petition asking the PPB to keep tirelessly searching for this injured, traumatized dog so its journey can finally become one of healing instead of pain!
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