Commercial truck drivers should make more money.

Do you feel we deserve a solid commitment from our government to protect our human rights as commercial drivers who needs more money to support a profession that is a total human sacrifice for the other 95 percent of the American economy.

Save the Trucks

If you think us truck drivers need to make at least $2,000. dollars per week sign this petition and donate a few bucks; so, we the coordinators of this petition can find a politician to present our case to congress.

Our settlement goals are as follows:

Our goal is to have congress vote on the minimum wage for truck drivers which will be a minimum of $2,000. per week per commercial truck driver.

If the U.S. Government can issue farmers subsidation payments to not farm; then, the government can also issue subsidation payments for the missing money the middle man such as brokers rip off from the American truck driver.

 Interstate owner operators  also need tax incentives and "ifta" fuel tax leniency during over the road employment operations.

We the human non animal truck drivers tend to eat over the road and we will now require meal money in the form of more pennies perdium mile a truck successfully completes.

Better working conditions when working for a company who has a GPS satellite system controlled by computers monitoring every move of a employed truck driver empowering untrained management personnel controlling the drivers schedule and illegally over working a professional driver and then, forcing that driver to break certain federal regulations or else face a layoff or get fired for obeying the law.

However the government bundles our request it needs to come out to at least $2,000. per week per commercial truck driver.

Last but not least we all want to send our kids to college and we the drivers of America simply need more money.

Any donation money received will be used to consult lawyers, buy literature and document expenses used to get the word out.

If congress does not approve the bill which should be eye balled on a national level, we the truck drivers of America will simply take the week off until congress figures it out.

In other words we will simply shut down the country until we get a government backed guaranteed pay raise.

After you donate you can print or save a receipt and use it for tax purposes.


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