Stop slaughtering healthy alpacas by forced use of inaccurate Tb test by defra.

If Tb is found on an alpaca farm Defra propose to deploy a combination of highly unreliable tests which are only slightly more accurate than flipping a coin.  

This risks unnecessary slaughter of large numbers of alpacas which react to any one of the THREE TESTS but do not have the disease. This is far more severe testing regime than current cattle testing...

The British Alpaca Society is seeking a more proportionate testing regime to reflect the low risk represented by camelids.  

The use of the ENFERplex antibody test has already been agreed between Defra and the British Alpaca Society for pre-movement tests, routine surveillance and export.

  • We want Defra to reconsider the choice of TB tests used on alpacas in a TB breakdown scenario
  • We want Defra to include the ENFERplex antibody test and extend its use to any such breakdown scenario
  • • We want Defra to pay market value compensation for these pedigree animals if they are slaughtered

Mettre À Jour #2il y a 10 ans
As from October 2014 alpaca owners no longer have the right to refuse Defra entry to test alpacas with highly inaccurate tests if tb suspected. Defra now can impose tests which have only 30% chance of detecting tb (ie 7 out of 10 infected animals not detected) and which lead to around 20% of healthy uninfected animals to be slaughtered unnecessarily through false positive results. We ask again that instead they use the enferplex test which is 98% accurate.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
The British Alpaca Society will have an important meeting with ministers in the next 2 weeks before the summer recess. Please share this petition with friends and family so we can present more signatures then. Thank you
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