Bring My Little Boy Charlie Home.

  • par: Anthony Huthart
  • destinataire: The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs,
I am writing this petition because of my baby boy Charlie. This petition is to stop my dog Charlie from possibly being destroyed because of some idiots who own a pit bull type dog and don't look after them properly. Well I do look after my dog properly. And I can have my big softie of a dog is perfectly harmless toward everybody and all other dogs. The police have had my dog now a long time. He was stolen on the 1st of July. And I have written this on the 27th of July. 25 days after I was informed that the police had my beloved little Charlie.

I would REALLY love people to sign my petition to bring my little boy home. He is only 1 year 6 months old and he was stolen on the 1st of July 2015 at 23:35 and I haven't seen him since. He is a big softie with everyone and other dogs but because he is a "Bull Breed" he may be destroyed and I can't have that as he is my world. It has been the hardest few weeks of my life.

The Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 was rushed legislation and an overreaction to a transient public mood following a number high profile dog attacks. Under this discriminatory Act, Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) prohibits the ownership of certain types (not even specific breeds) of dogs without a licence, which comes with strict conditions.

There is no evidence that some types of dog are more dangerous than others. BSL punishes dogs for the way they look and fails to consider a dog's individual behaviour when determining whether or not they are dangerous. Dogs whose behaviour poses no risk are branded 'dangerous' just because of their appearance.

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