America Needs Jobs!

  • par: Jay Alexander
  • destinataire: The Honorable Marcy Kaptur of Toledo, Ohio

We the undersigned Citizens of the United States fully support and endorse the 21st Century Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Act to re-establish this program
We urge you, as the current sponsor, to use this petition to create bi-partisan support in both House and Senate. 
 The 21st Century CCC Act will annually give JOB opportunity to more than 300,000 Americans a year.  Out of this number, 10% would be composed of Veterans that would work under less supervision. For 5 years now a bill sits in the Education And Workforce Committee.

Since January 3, 2015, Representative Marcy Kaptur has reintroduced the 21st Century CCC Act and submitted it to the House Clerk, three months have past and still the House Rules Committee has not given it a bill number. WHY is the bill still un numbered, after she has submitted it 3 times before since 2009?

The 20th Century CCC, under the Roosevelt Administration, was law from 1933 to 1942 and gave over 3.5 million Americans JOBS in our public sector to help boost the economy then and long after. They learned skills as electrical wiring, carpentry, masonry, bricklayers and most all planted trees during the spring months, 4 billion of them. Their handy work stands STRONG in our many Federal, State and Municipal forests, grazing lands and parklands.  They planted over 4 billion trees and built strong structures that stand proud today for only a dollar a day.  At the end of the month they got paid 30 dollars but only kept 5 dollars in cash and twenty-five dollars was sent home in a required allotment to their families. These monthly allotments saved up to 25 million more Americans from foreclosure and starvation in the GREAT DEPRESSION.

In 1937, Congress refunded the program as it did in 1935, for another two years and also gave opportunity for those who had been incarcerated for non-violent crimes, who done their time, and had 6 months left on parole.  A judge, gave some, delinquents and parolees a tough opportunity in our first national service,  the USCCC.  To qualify, one had to be single, and of military age.  Also older War veterans could qualify.  Everyone was monitored in the CCC by US military officers, NCO's, Park and Forest Rangers and staff.  The military officers secretly met with parole officers weekly.  If parolee got into trouble they were immediately re-incarcerated.  Hardly anyone did in these hard times.  While in the CCC the paroles past was secret to others serving.  When they finished their enrollment, they faced the same judges who incarcerated them and in most cases, set them free and expunged their criminal past for performing national service.

The 4 million enrollees and supervisory staff that served became the backbone of US military after December 8, 1941, and they became NCO's and officers and worked in the defense industry.  Over 55% of them gained skills in crafts they learned while in the CCC and retained them through to retirement.  They were integral in building America into a Superpower.  Many unsung hero's of the CCC have passed.  The CCC Act will preserve this noble cause and build more generations of men and women to follow their glorious path as stewards of the earth.  

The CCC has already demonstrated that no conflict exists between the preservation of the environment and the creation of JOBS.   As an all public sector National Service, the CCC will be cost effective, and put America to work on jobs that need to be done, saving our environment, and building national assets for future generations. 
Lastly, the CCC will give back America’s integrity and global leadership in the conservation of our natural resources. 
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Other CCC Petitions

WE NEED JOBS for our unskilled young adults and returning veterans!

Hard-Copy petitions, please print out up to four per envelope for an ounce of mail and get fellow voters to sign and then post/fax or scan them off to the Honorable Marcy Kaptur at here DC office address is on bottom of the petition.  Petition is here @

Older Online Petitions...


Re-Establish/Refund the U.S. Civilian Conservation Corp - Back to the FUTURE
Petition by Jay D Alexander
To be delivered to The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama

National Petition for the Reactivation of the US Civilian Conservation Corps
• author: Jay Alexander Organizer for the Grassroots Campaign of the reactivation of the USCCC
TARGET: Elected Federal Officials in Washington, DC
• signatures: 1,293

Bring back a 21st Century U.S. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Petition published by Jay D. Alexander on Apr 11, 2011


Even contact your House member and tell them that you personally support and endorse the 21st Century CCC Act and urge your Representative to cosponsor the 21st Century CCC Act .

Finally call Rep Kaptur's office in DC (202) 225-4146 and in Toledo at (419) 259-7500 to thank her for this timely legislation and that you personally support and endorse the 21st Century CCC Act!

FMI and join


Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

Benjamin Franklin

A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself.

Forests are the lungs of our land,

purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people. FDR

"We won't have a society if we destroy the environment." Margaret Meed 

Kurt Vonnegut's disturbing quote can soon turn out to be true in that... "We could have saved the Earth but we were too damned cheap.

The dedication of "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson:

" To Albert Schweitzer, who said, 'Man has lost the capacity to foresee and to forestall. He will end up by destroying the earth.' "

"We have learned to be citizens of the world, members of the human community.

We have learned the simple truth, as Emerson said, that "The only way to have a friend is to be one."

Franklin D. Roosevelt - January 20, 1945.

We the undersigned Citizens of the United States fully support and endorse the 21st Century Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Act to re-establish this program


We urge you, as the current sponsor, to use this petition to create bi-partisan support in both House and Senate. 


 The 21st Century CCC Act will annually give JOB opportunity to more than 300,000 Americans a year.  Out of this number, 10% would be composed of Veterans that would work under less supervision.



The original CCC, under the Roosevelt Administration, was law from 1933 to 1942. They planted over 4 billion trees and built strong structures that stand proud today for only a dollar a day.  At the end of the month they got 30 dollars but only kept 5 dollars in cash and twenty-five dollars was sent home in a required allotment to their families. These monthly allotments saved up to 25 million more Americans from foreclosure and starvation in the GREAT DEPRESSION. The 4 million enrollees and supervisory staff that served became the backbone of US military after December 8, 1941, and they became NCO's and officers and worked in the defense industry.  Over 55% of them gained skills in crafts they learned while in the CCC and retained them through to retirement.  They were integral in building America into a Superpower.  Many unsung hero's of the CCC have passed.  The CCC Act will preserve this noble cause and build more generations of men and women to follow their glorious path as stewards of the earth.  


The CCC has already demonstrated that no conflict exists between the preservation of the environment and the creation of JOBS.   As an all public sector National Service, the CCC will be cost effective, and put America to work on jobs that need to be done, saving our environment, and building national assets for future generations. 


Lastly, the CCC will give back America’s integrity and global leadership in the conservation of our natural resources. 


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