Petition for the partial use of the Allerton Street Playground for off-leash Dog Use in Plymouth, MA

The residents and taxpayers of the great Town of Plymouth deserve the choice to utilize designated fenced-in town property or playground areas for the use of dog parks to excercise and socialization in an off-leash environment.

Recently, there have been residents and taxpayers of our town whom have collectively and responsibly formed a meet-up group to socialize and excercise our dogs at the Allerton Street playground which is a fenced in area which includes a play area with a park bench. There is an empty field to the right of the playground in which our dogs could run and play while their owners were present.

Unfortunately, the dog meet-up group was recently contacted by the local police and told the dog owners are required to keep their dogs on leashes due to town bylaws. How are we able to excercise and socialize our animals and allow them free range in a safe environment fenced away from others if we have to keep them leashed up at all times when outdoors?

If we could utilize this field in an environmentally friendly and respectful manner, it would be available for all dog owners in our town. Please take the time to sign our petition to allow the partial use of the Allerton Street playground as a dog park.

The residents and taxpayers of the great Town of Plymouth deserve the choice to utilize designated fenced in town property or playground areas for the use of dog parks to excercise and socialization in an off-leash environment. Recently, there have been residents and tax payers of our town whom have collectively and responsibly formed a meet-up group to socialize and excercise our dogs at the Allerton Street playground which is a fenced in area to include a play area with park bench. There is an empty field to the right of the playground in which our dogs could run and play while their owners were present. The dog meet-up group was recently contacted by the local police and told the dog owners are required to keep their dogs on leashes due to town bylaws. How are we able to excercise and socialize our animals and allow them free range in a safe environment fenced away from others if we have to keep them leashed up at all times when outdoors? If we could utilize this field in an environmentally friendly respective manner, it would be available for all dog owners in our town. Please take the time to sign our petition to allow the partial use of the Allerton Street playground as a dog park.


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