Please Vote for the GMO Disallowance Motion

  • par: John Wood
  • destinataire: Minister for the Environment - Hon. Donna Evelyn Mary Faragher, MLC

This is an open letter to the Minister for the Environment; Youth - Hon. Donna Evelyn Mary Faragher, MLC. It is a heart-felt plea to vote for the Disallowance Motion and thereby prevent approval for Genetically Engineered Crops to be grown in Western Australia. 

I urge you to sign our petition to the Minister as a matter of urgency so that our combined voices will carry more weight and be heard before it is too late the prevent the GMO juggernaut from destroying our precious environment, our wellbeing and way of life; forever. Please, forward this page to as many family members, friends and colleagues as you can, so that they too will be heard on this vital issue.


An Open Letter to HON. DONNA EVELYN MARY FARAGHER, MLC. Minister for the Environment; Youth 

Dear Minister 

The decision to allow GMO crops into WA, once made, is irreversible. The risks to Public Health, our agricultural environment and our export earnings as a supplier of non GMO produce are just too great, at this point in time, to allow GMOs into our food chain. 

I therefore plead with you to vote for the Disallowance Motion and prevent the approval for Genetically Engineered Crops to be grown in Western Australia. No one has a crystal ball to see future consequences of GMO technology. Thus, until independent scientific research can establish that GMOs have a non-toxic impact on human beings, your vote for the Disallowance Motion is the only rational course of action. 

BEFORE CASTING YOUR VOTE, I beg you to take the time to consider the following:
(Source: Nathan Batalion ND, MA, CPA) 

1.     The first genetically-altered crop was commercially introduced in 1995, a mere fifteen years back. This was the famous delayed-ripening  "Flavr-savr" tomato, approved by the FDA on May 18, 1994. In lab trials, the tomato was fed to mice that, normally relishing tomatoes, refused to eat these lab-creations and had to be force-fed by tubes. Several developed stomach lesions and 7 of the 40 mice died within 2 weeks. Without further safety testing, the FDA approved commercialisation but fortunately, production and commercial failure led to its abandonment in 1996.

2.     There are at least 50 known harmful effects to GM Foods. The following article: claims that genetically-modified (GM) foods are the equivalent of ordinary foods does more than dispute industry and certain government officials' claims . It offers a vast and informative list of the number of alarm signals, hazards, problems, and dangers. Also interspersed is are deeper philosophical discussions on the "good science" of biotechnology and how it can turn against us as a thano-technology.

3.     There is growing evidence that the wholesale disappearance of bees relates directly to the appearance of ever more GM pollen. A farmer may use a chemical for many decades, but fallow land will return to its organic state; since most chemicals tend to break down into natural substances over time. Genetic pollution, however, can alter the soil's life forever.

4.     Voices from many sides echo the view that genetic engineering involves unparalleled risks. Despite %u201Csafety claims%u201D, no major insurance company has been willing to limit risks, or insure bio-engineered agricultural products, citing %u201Ca high level of unpredictable consequences%u201D. Over 800 scientists from 84 countries signed The World Scientist open letter to all governments calling for a ban on the patenting of life-forms and emphasising the grave hazards of GMOs, genetically-modified seeds and GM foods (this was submitted to the UN, World Trade Organisation and US Congress). The Union of Concerned Scientists (a 1000 plus member organisation with many Nobel Laureates) has similarly expressed its scientific reservations. Lancet published an article on the research of Arpad Pusztai citing potentially significant harms. Britain's Medical Association called for an outright ban of genetically-modified foods and labelling. In a gathering of political representatives from over 130 nations to draft the Cartagena Protocol on Bio-safety, approximately 95% insisted on new precautionary approaches. The National Academy of Science report on genetically-modified products urged greater scrutiny and assessments. Prominent FDA scientists have repeatedly expressed profound fears and reservations but their voices were muted, not due to cogent scientific reasons, but to intense political pressure from the Bush Administration.

5.     There are also core philosophical issues which challenge us to live up to the highest principles of humanity. It is not enough to list 50 or more harmful effects. We need to freely debate moral, spiritual and worldview issues - issues such as why this technology represents the impregnation of a mechanical worldview, a death-cantered vision of nature that is greatly accelerating the death of species on earth. I urge you to see this article: GMOs - Philosophical Issues of a Thanoptic (Death-Delivering) Technology

* Biographical Information: Nathan Batalion 

Please, do not follow a party line that, to date, has been imposed upon a very concerned community. I write in full knowledge of the burden of responsibility and difficulty you face in this decision but PLEASE, vote for the Disallowance Motion. In one single vote you will lead and not follow. The very least that can happen as a result of your leadership is that your vote will allow time for the dispassionate science on this issue to be known and taken into account. No properly informed person at this time could vote otherwise.  


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