Don't Let Corporations Rename Yosemite Icons!

Thanks to the threat of a $50 million lawsuit from Yosemite's former facilities operator, DNCY, Ahwahnee Hotel and other beloved landmarks at Yosemite National Park will soon be renamed.

We can't let Delaware North bully Yosemite into changing these iconic names! Please sign the petition to urge DNCY to give up its fight for copyright over Yosemite names!

Yosemite National Park is a iconic location - so much so that Apple even names versions of their operating system after famous landmarks.  Names of locations in the park should not be tied to catering companies, but apparently they are. 

Further, the name Awhanee is a word of Native American origin. It's absurd to think anyone can "own" names. Yosemite should be spending money on conservation efforts, not changing names on signs, maps and other materials.

The Delaware North Companies lost its contract as the concessionare of Yosemite National Park. Now that a new concession company is coming, in DNC is threatening a $50 Million dollar lawsuit for the use of tradenames and trademarks including:

- Yosemite Lodge at the Falls to become: Yosemite Valley Lodge
- The Ahwahnee to become: The Majestic Yosemite Hotel
- Curry Village to become: Half Dome Village
- Wawona Hotel to become: Big Trees Lodge
- Badger Pass Ski Area to become: Yosemite Ski & Snowboard Area

The DNC should be stopped! Please sign the petition to urge DNCY to give up its fight for copyright over Yosemite names!

We, the undersigned, demand that you give up your fight for copyright names of iconic Yosemite landmarks.

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 9 ans
Yosemite's iconic names will change on Tuesday unless we can increase pressure on Delaware North Company to drop their outrageous trademark claims. Please take moment to help spread the word and click here to share on Facebook.
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