He Stabbed His Neighbor's Dog Over and Over Until It Died

All animals should be safe from violence. But a man in Missouri apparently doesn't agree. One day, he grabbed his neighbor's dog, Teddy, and attacked it -- and stabbed it over and over again until the poor animal finally died from its wounds.

He should never be allowed around pets again! Sign the petition to demand authorities ban him from living with or owning animals again!

Authorities discovered evidence to suggest the man intentionally and sadistically sought to "inflict suffering" prior to the dog's painful death.

Teddy's family was heartbroken and traumatized by the brutal murder of their beloved family member.

Luckily, prosecutors took the case seriously, and charged him with "felony animal abuse by torture or mutilation while the animal was alive."

A court has just now convicted him on these charges, but has yet to return a sentence. That's why it's important that we speak out now, demanding this man be banned from owning or living with pets ever again!

He is clearly not safe to be around animals, and authorities must do all they can to keep innocent beings safe from his violent assaults. Sign the petition now!
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