We are human, we are intelligent, we feel, smell, hear, touch and taste.

Imagine if that was taken away from us in such a ruthless way for the sake of living! Even more so, being tortured to your death in such an excruciating way.

We also hurt physically and mentally, so why ignore that animals also have these senses and feelings too?

I had a pet hamster not long ago and to know to hear it squeil when in pain while having Wet-tail was awful, I cannot explain the emotional pain I was in to witness that, I would of taken the pain myself instead of a little fury creature like that and to even THINK that people go through hearing and WATCHING animals being tortured alive by gases, horrific liquids and burning substances through their beautiful fur-coat just eats me alive to bare thinking of it! THIS NEEDS TO STOP IMMEDIATELY.

I also have a chihuahua and to that anybody can "professionally" harm such an adorable animal infuriates me and kills me inside.

As people looking in at this matter, we need to come together and begin an end to this misery for the innocent animals who are dragged into this with horrendous outcomes.

Thankyou for reading this, thankyou.

Hayley J.


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