STOP the Bipartisan Sportsmen's Act from giving all public lands to hunters and trappers

The federal government is about to turn our public lands and natural resources over to commercial hunters and trappers. Non-lethal users and their animals will be in constant danger as they try to use public lands for recreation.

H.R. 4089, the Sportsmen's Heritage Act of 2012, has already passed the U.S. House of Representatives. Another bill, S.1996, the Bipartisan Sportsmen's Act, is now being considered in the U.S.Senate. The NRA lobbied to pass this bill. Your Senators will vote for this bill unless you get involved. Please sign this petition to oppose S. 1996, and call your senators to let them know about your opposition to it.

We oppose S.1996, the Bipartisan Sportsmen's Act of 2014.

If enacted, S.1996 would:

1. Direct federal land management agencies to facilitate the expansion of hunting on Federal lands; ensure “management” (i.e., killing) of wildlife and habitat; and establish an "open unless closed" policy for recreational hunting, fishing and shooting on lands managed by the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

This provision will allow hunters and trappers of all kinds including those using a bow and arrow into national parks as well as all other public lands AT ALL TIMES, ensuring a constant hunting season. So there will always be traps, gun fire and bow and arrow seasons with no peace and no respite for wildlife and non-lethal users.

These resources belong to all of us. Trappers take and profit from the fur of animals they have caught. This profit is not often reported and tax is rarely paid on the profits. Non-lethal users are subsidizing in effect subsidizing trappers. Plus, our dogs and our bodies are placed in danger from traps and stray bullets, especially since hunting with and by children is encouraged. Giving primacy to hunters and trappers ignores the economic contribution of all taxpayers to the public lands and is discriminatory.

2. Allow body parts and trophies of polar bears to be imported from Canada, which will stimulate the hunting of a threatened and endangered species. There will be no way to determine if these animals were killed before being listed as threatened.

3. Forbid the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from regulating lead in ammunition and fishing tackle.

Dangerously neurotoxic lead has been taken out of gasoline, paint, and toys. Yet 3,000 tons per year of lead shot and bullets are fired into the wild and 4,000 tons/year of fishing sinkers pollute ponds and streams.

Eagles, condors, vultures, hawks, and owls are poisoned while feeding on animals that were shot. In one study, 60% of venison donated by hunters to a food bank contained lead fragments.

"All non-essential uses of lead should be eliminated," according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Researchers say there is no threshold below which lead does not cause harm, especially in children.

4. Prevent any ban on recreational shooting on BLM lands nationwide; and direct the BLM to manage national monument land in a manner that supports, promotes, and enhances recreational shooting opportunities.

This provision gives primacy in the use of National Forests and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) areas to one set of users; trappers, hunters, fishermen, and recreational target shooters who use lead bullets.

The majority of taxpayers -- who are hikers, birders, canoeists, photographers, boaters, campers, etc. -- would be forced to navigate through hazards from these lethal users including animal traps. Animals will be in constant pressure and peril, including wild horses, buffalo, wolves, fox, bear, moose, etc., and all the companion animals we bring to the parks.

YOU own these federal public lands and waters (700,000,000 acres = the size of a square that is1,046 miles on each side). They were set aside for wild horses, buffalo and bear; for wolf and salmon. 

Hunting is already legal in our national parks. At its current level, it menaces public safety and interferes with others' peaceful enjoyment. 

Preferential treatment in law of consumptive, violent "recreation" is wrong.

5.Promote construction of more public target ranges on public lands, parks, National Forests and BLM land. Shooting ranges (plus piles of lead waste) now exist on many public hunting grounds run by state game agencies. The presence of more of these will conflict with the peaceful enjoyment of other kinds of recreation.

6. Foster bow-and-arrow and gun "education" for children. Bow hunting is a sadistic way to kill, second only to traps in the suffering it causes to the animal hit with an arrow. Teaching children cruelty to animals creates sadistic teens and adults.

7. Use undefined "skilled the culling and other 'management' of wildlife populations."

Agency heads would be required to demonstrate in planning documents "why skilled volunteers should not be used to control overpopulation of wildlife on the land" subject to the plans. More hunters and trappers will in effect be allowed to assist in "managing" public lands. Eventually there will be hunting with dogs, letting dogs savage animals in traps, penning, bear baying and all the sadistic practices the public is unaware are being promoted by federal and state wildlife services and departments of natural resources.

Dear Senator:

Please OPPOSE S.1996, the Bipartisan Sportsmen's Act of 2014.

The federal government is about to turn public lands and natural resources over to commercial hunters and trappers. Non-lethal users and their animals will be in constant danger as they try to use public lands for recreation.

If enacted, S.1996 would:

1. Direct federal land management agencies to facilitate the expansion of hunting on Federal lands; ensure “management” (i.e., killing) of wildlife and habitat; and establish an "open unless closed" policy for recreational hunting, fishing and shooting on lands managed by the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

This provision will allow hunters and trappers of all kinds including those using a bow and arrow into national parks as well as all other public lands AT ALL TIMES, ensuring a constant hunting season. So there will always be traps, gun fire and bow and arrow seasons with no peace and no respite for wildlife and non-lethal users.

These resources belong to all of us. Trappers take and profit from the fur of animals they have caught. This profit is not often reported and tax is rarely paid on the profits. Non-lethal users are subsidizing in effect subsidizing trappers. Plus, our dogs and our bodies are placed in danger from traps and stray bullets, especially since hunting with and by children is encouraged. Giving primacy to hunters and trappers ignores the economic contribution of all taxpayers to the public lands and is discriminatory.

2. Allow body parts and trophies of polar bears to be imported from Canada, which will stimulate the hunting of a threatened and endangered species. There will be no way to determine if these animals were killed before being listed as threatened.

3. Forbid the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from regulating lead in ammunition and fishing tackle.

Dangerously neurotoxic lead has been taken out of gasoline, paint, and toys. Yet 3,000 tons per year of lead shot and bullets are fired into the wild and 4,000 tons/year of fishing sinkers pollute ponds and streams.

Eagles, condors, vultures, hawks, and owls are poisoned while feeding on animals that were shot. In one study, 60% of venison donated by hunters to a food bank contained lead fragments.

"All non-essential uses of lead should be eliminated," according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Researchers say there is no threshold below which lead does not cause harm, especially in children.

4. Prevent any ban on recreational shooting on BLM lands nationwide; and direct the BLM to manage national monument land in a manner that supports, promotes, and enhances recreational shooting opportunities.

This provision gives primacy in the use of National Forests and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) areas to one set of users; trappers, hunters, fishermen, and recreational target shooters who use lead bullets.

The majority of taxpayers -- who are hikers, birders, canoeists, photographers, boaters, campers, etc. -- would be forced to navigate through hazards from these lethal users including animal traps. Animals will be in constant pressure and peril, including wild horses, buffalo, wolves, fox, bear, moose, etc., and all the companion animals we bring to the parks.

YOU own these federal public lands and waters (700,000,000 acres = the size of a square that is1,046 miles on each side). They were set aside for wild horses, buffalo and bear; for wolf and salmon. 

Hunting is already legal in our national parks. At its current level, it menaces public safety and interferes with others' peaceful enjoyment. 

Preferential treatment in law of consumptive, violent "recreation" is wrong.

5.Promote construction of more public target ranges on public lands, parks, National Forests and BLM land. Shooting ranges (plus piles of lead waste) now exist on many public hunting grounds run by state game agencies. The presence of more of these will conflict with the peaceful enjoyment of other kinds of recreation.

6. Foster bow-and-arrow and gun "education" for children. Bow hunting is a sadistic way to kill, second only to traps in the suffering it causes to the animal hit with an arrow. Teaching children cruelty to animals creates sadistic teens and adults.

7. Use undefined "skilled the culling and other 'management' of wildlife populations."

Agency heads would be required to demonstrate in planning documents "why skilled volunteers should not be used to control overpopulation of wildlife on the land" subject to the plans. More hunters and trappers will in effect be allowed to assist in "managing" public lands. Eventually there will be hunting with dogs, letting dogs savage animals in traps, penning, bear baying and all the sadistic practices the public is unaware are being promoted by federal and state wildlife services and departments of natural resources.


[Your Name and Address]

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 11 ans
If the Sportmen's Act passes we will never get trapping off the public land. A WI man‘s dog was caught in a trap. He took his dog and both traps to the vet; refuses to give the traps back. DNR is charging him with theft. No money for an attorney, he faces criminal charges alone. That is what we all face if this law passes. If you live in the USA 1. SHARE this petition on your web pages, and 2. Click on the button above the petition and send the letter to your senator in Washington DC.
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