Trader Joe's: Stop Contributing to Orangutan Killings

Like millions of Americans, I love Trader Joe's and the innovative, delicious products it sells.

But many of these products, from snack foods to soaps, contain palm oil.  And palm oil is one of the leading reasons tropical rainforests are being destroyed all across Southeast Asia, from Indonesia to Malaysia to Borneo to Sumatra. Palm oil is usually produced on plantations created by destroying rainforests.

Every hour, 300 football fields of rainforest are cleared for palm oil production. The New York Times reported that more than 10,000 square miles of forests were destroyed in fires last year to make way for palm oil. Orangutans, tigers, and elephants are being burned to death and survivors are losing their habitat.  And of course, rainforest destruction contributes to global warming.

Let's tell Trader Joe's that we won't buy any of their products that contain palm oil until they begin using only certified sustainable palm oil (produced without causing harm to the environment). Take a moment to let your Trader Joe's store know that you are taking this stand. And of course, also stop buying any products elsewhere that contain palm oil.

Trader Joe's can take a stand right now, and switch completely to certified sustainable palm oil.  While this step alone won't stop the slaughter, it will send a clear message that Trader Joe's cares -- and challenge other companies to act, too.

Together we can help save orangutans and other wildlife, and reduce contributors to global warming. 

Dear Mr. Bane:

Like millions of Americans, I love Trader Joe's and the innovative, delicious products it sells.

But many of these products, from snack foods to soaps, contain palm oil. And palm oil is one of the leading reasons tropical rainforests are being destroyed all across Southeast Asia, from Indonesia to Malaysia to Borneo to Sumatra. Palm oil is usually produced on plantations created by destroying rainforests. 

Every hour, 300 football fields of rainforest are cleared for palm oil production.  The New York Times reported that more than 10,000 square miles of forests were destroyed in fires last year to make way for palm oil. Orangutans, tigers, and elephants are being burned to death and survivors are losing their habitat.

I have started a petition asking consumers NOT to buy any of your products that contain palm oil until you begin using only certified sustainable palm oil (produced without causing harm to the environment). I hope that you will reformulate your products to help save orangutans and other wildlife, and to help all of us have a healthier planet, full of biological diversity.

Trader Joe's is a great company and a trendsetter.  I hope that your adopting this stance will encourage other companies to take similar action.

Thank you.


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