Congress: Reject Trump's New Health Care Plan!

BREAKING: Republicans just voted to start debating their cruel health care bill, a critically huge step toward making it law. Now, after no hearings, no review by committees or experts, and no time for anyone to learn what's in the bill, they'll spend just 20 hours talking before voting to strip health care from millions.Call your senator right now: (202) 224-3121 to ensure they vote "NO".

The new American Health Care Act (AHCA), nicknamed Trumpcare, would force the average ACA customer to spend much more out of pocket for the same coverage. The AHCA will also slash funding for Medicaid, the program that provides insurance for the poor, and roll back much of Medicaid's expansion.

Perhaps the biggest change concerns pre-existing conditions. The AHCA will allow insurers to charge sick Americans more for plans if their coverage has lapsed with no guarantee that their coverage will even include treatments for their condition. On top of that, the AHCA would consider sexual assault and domestic violence pre-existing conditions.

This bill is sick and horrifying. 

This new bill is so bad that Republicans in Congress don't even want it for themselves. Though the new bill guts protections for average Americans, members of Congress will still enjoy those perks.

The passage of the ACA in 2010 was a huge step forward. In 2016, 24 million Americans had coverage under the ACA, many of whom would not have been able to afford health insurance. We cannot let Republicans destroy our progress.

The House has voted to repeal and replace the ACA, but it's not too late! Please sign the petition to urge the Senate to stick with a system that works and reject Trump's new health care plan!

As you know, on Thursday, May 4, House Republicans voted to repeal major parts of Affordable Care Act and replace it with a new system that favors conservative interests and punishes the sick and poor.

This bill is sick and horrifying. From slashing Medicaid funding to discriminating against Americans with pre-existing conditions (and even considering sexual assault and domestic violence pre-existing conditions), this bill is an insult to Americans. 

The passage of the ACA in 2010 was a huge step forward. In 2016, 24 million Americans had coverage under the ACA, many of whom would not have been able to afford health insurance.

I respectfully urge you to stick with a system that works and vote against the new AHCA. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

[Your comments here]

[Your name here]

Mettre À Jour #11il y a 7 ans
Another effort at repealing Obamacare narrowly failed last night, thanks to all of your work. Your signatures, calls, tweets and rallying are working and you should be proud of that. But we know that Republicans will not stop their efforts to take away health care from millions until Democrats run the legislature. It’s time to prepare to vote the folks trying to harm Americans out of office in 2018.
Mettre À Jour #10il y a 7 ans
Republicans are using an unconventional, secretive and undemocratic method to push through the most destructive piece of legislation in our lifetimes. This is literally life or death for many Americans. We have 20 hours to convince the Senate to vote “NO” on this bill. Call your senator right now: (202) 224-3121 to ensure they vote “NO”.
Mettre À Jour #9il y a 7 ans
The pressure you’ve been putting on Congress has been working! You’ve successfully delayed the GOPs horrendous efforts again. But, the fight is not over. It’s time we ask for what we really want: single-payer healthcare. Sign and share the petition to get us on track to actually take care of our own citizens.
Mettre À Jour #8il y a 7 ans
The newest version of this plan excludes Congress. This means they think the care is so bad, they're unwilling to accept it for themselves and their families. If they don't think it's good enough for them, it isn't good enough for the American people. Share the petition today and keep calling your Senators at 202-224-3121.
Mettre À Jour #7il y a 7 ans
BREAKING: The CBO announced today that 22 million people will be left without health insurance over the next decade under House Republicans' plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. We have just a few days left to convince Republican senators not to vote for this horrific bill! Call your Senator today: 202-224-3121.

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