California Horse Racing abusing TONS of water

California Horse Racing uses TONS of water to keep the track moist, watering & bathing racehorses, landscaping. Most racehorses end up at slaughter where TONS of environmental destruction occurs. Shut down this antiquated business. It's a waste of water, & bad for horses.

In order to operate a horse racing track tons of water has to be used in order for it to run. Most of the water goes to wash horses because they sweat so much while running a race. Essentially were using water for horses to run in circles so people can bet on them. Absurd. Moreover, tons of water is used to keep the track in working order. This business uses and abuses water - a precious resource. Then most of the racehorses end up at the slaughterhouse when no longer profitable where tons of water and water pollution takes place. Absolute waste of precious recourses while restricting water to ?California Residents. 

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 9 ans
People are starting to realize the amount of water the horse racing industry uses. How can we possible restrict water to people while wasting it?
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