Demanding NYPD to take further action in cruelty cases

My name is Alexis Cruz and I currently reside in Brownsville, Brooklyn. I live in a private residence and on my residence I feed stray cats in my neighborhood. My landlord has decided to take it upon himself and "rid" of the strays that come by my residence. On Saturday of March 23rd 2019 at approximately 8pm my landlord entered the property and began shaking (an unknown substance at the time) all throughout the property. He then proceeded to reach over my balcony railing and pour the substance directly into the cat food I leave out at night. I immediately called 311 and was advised to contact the police. An hour later police were dispatched and they explained to me there wasn't anything they could do for me in that moment being there wasn't any "actual" cruelty happening. They suggested I get in contact with the ACC or physically go to the police station and write a report. The next day I was approached by a neighbor who will remain nameless for sadder purposes, EXPOSED my landlord, admitting to me my landlord has asked him to put down poison and my neighbor has refused to do so.
My neighbor also gave me the bottled substance my landlord has been using to put in the cat food. It is an irritant and hazardous posion made specifically to cause harm to rodents, cats and dogs. After this information was given to me I did my research called the ASPCA and again was advised to call 911. I physically went to the precinct and upon entering the precinct I spoke to an officer and explained my situation. He then began going on about how he's never heard of this kind of situation happening and he doesn't know what to do. He brings another officer who tells me the exact same thing. I asked them if they could just take my report down so I can have evidence I came to the station and made a report. They both REFUSED my right to file a report and proceeded to tell me I wasn't allowed to file one since I don't have a real problem. I was flabbergasted and angry as well. These are the same people who are sworn to protect and serve us. In Brownsville/11212 alone we have the highest rate in surrenders and cruelty cases. Strays animals especially cats are protected under the Agriculture Act section 362. They can't be considered a nuisance or wildlife. What my landlord is doing is illegal and the worst part is he will get away with it if I don't try and stop him. Unfortunately one of the strays I feed was pregnant, possibly ate some of the poison and this morning gave birth to stillborns.This is not the first incident I've had with him regarding strays. I want the police to stand up for what's right and investigate this matter further. With people like my landlord in the world, willing to kill such innocent beings, do you really feel safe? I know I sure as heck don't.

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