It seems that the WA Government is ignorant to the needs of the environment and needs to be educated on the beauty of sharks and most of all the need for sharks. We ask the WA Gov to STOP the shark cull and to rethink what it is doing. There are other ways and the slaughter of an innocent species is not the way, it is out dated and barbaric, does the WA Gov wish to be classed the same ?...
As human beings we understand the risks of going into the ocean as the ocean belongs to many animals it is after all their HOME and if we are attacked in their HOME then whose is to blame. If we take the risk then we also take the rresponsibility of our own actions. We the undersigned demand a stop to the shark cull it is not needed, its out dated and it needs to stop, please stop being so ignorant and do the right thing. It needs to stop and stop now.
The WA Gov is planning to use baited drum lines to catch large sharks as well as brining in pro shark hunters to hunt down and kill large sharks, this is not right and I believe this is done for ego and is nothing more than a power trip, rather than education and conservation they pick slaughter it makes you see them for what they really are...
There is no proof that what they are doing will stop or reduce encounters with sharks and that is fact. Its time to seek other ways and to educate the people better rather than show them that force is the answer. Many sharks are in decline and need our protection they are not the enemy they are needed for our oceans to thrive and most of all they are needed for our entire ecosystem. Education for Protection NOT slaughter....
E-mail addresses to contact, please be nice and respectful I thank you...,,
Keep up the good work and fight the good fight, with respect always, James Howie... C.O.P.E - Carers Of Planet Earth...