Help The Bull Moose Party Gain Ballot Access In Your State!

**SPECIAL NOTE: Signing this petition is not all that is required to get The Bull Moose Party on the ballot in your state. We will be circulating official ballot access petitions as soon as we possibly can. The purpose of this petition is to organize and inform our supporters. Please note that we do not receive your contact information when you sign this petition. If you want to absolutely guarantee that we can get ahold of you when it is time to sign the official ballot access petitions, message us on here (by clicking our name) or reach out to us in any way possible to make sure we know how to contact you. Thank you all for reading!**

The time has come to rebuke the two-party political system in which the Republicans and Democrats are continually fighting to determine which group of corrupt politicians gets to screw the American people harder for the next couple of years. Make no mistake, this is a direct resurrection of the Bull Moose Party founded by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1912. This party was originally formed with the main theme being the reversal of the domination of politics by business interests, which controlled both the Republican and Democratic parties. More than 100 years ago, the platform of Roosevelt’s Bull Moose Party stated that destroying this invisible government – to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics – was the first task of the statesmanship of the day.

Numerous hurdles and roadblocks exist to prevent the effective formation of a new major political party, so we are beginning to prepare for the 2018 & 2020 election cycles today. We are looking for passionate people from all fifty states that are committed to building a better future for our society to run for Federal, State, and Local Government offices representing the Bull Moose Party. Please contact us immediately if you are interested in representing your community – we will do everything possible to support and assist you with getting on the ballot, campaigning, and figuring out what to do, what not to do, and how to get it all done.

The platform of the Bull Moose Party will be as incredibly diverse as our members, but there will be a number of common themes. We will fight to restore the voice of the little guy in our democracy by eliminating the influence of money in our political system. We will fight for the civil liberties of ALL Americans – regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, social status, or any of the other labels that are so often used to divide us. And we will fight for a truly balanced society with an economy that works for all of us – not just those at the very top of the economic spectrum.

One of the major structural differences between the existing parties and the Bull Moose Party is the way that we have decided to handle the nomination process for our candidates. Instead of utilizing decidedly undemocratic methods that give the power to delegates and party insiders instead of the people, we will simply use the popular vote to determine which of our candidates succeed. The Bull Moose Party stands firmly against placing bureaucratic layers on top of our democracy. We strongly oppose the use of delegates, superdelegates, and the Electoral College.

We are asking the American people to acknowledge the simple fact that we can do so much better than the existing major political parties. When we stand together – not as white or black, gay or straight, man or woman, Christian or Muslim, Republican or Democrat – but as Americans, we CAN create a political party that does not accept hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes from campaign contributors that demand preferential treatment. We CAN create a political party that is not led exclusively by millionaires that are willing to sign free trade agreements that close down businesses in America and send our jobs to impoverished nations throughout the world. We CAN create a political party that refuses to sit back and do absolutely nothing while The Federal Reserve centrally plans and manipulates our interest rates, money supply, inflation and unemployment metrics, and the economic fundamentals of the US Dollar. And we CAN create a political party that is sincerely committed to creating a truly balanced society, fostering an economy that works for all of us, and fighting for the civil liberties of ALL Americans.

Will you help us show the political establishment that #WeCanDoBetter?

**SPECIAL NOTE: Signing this petition is not all that is required to get The Bull Moose Party on the ballot in your state. We will be circulating official ballot access petitions as soon as we possibly can. The purpose of this petition is to organize and inform our supporters. Please note that we do not receive your contact information when you sign this petition. If you want to absolutely guarantee that we can get ahold of you when it is time to sign the official ballot access petitions, message us on here (by clicking our name) or reach out to us in any way possible to make sure we know how to contact you. Thank you all for reading!**

The time has come to rebuke the two-party political system in which the Republicans and Democrats are continually fighting to determine which group of corrupt politicians gets to screw the American people harder for the next couple of years. Make no mistake, this is a direct resurrection of the Bull Moose Party founded by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1912. This party was originally formed with the main theme being the reversal of the domination of politics by business interests, which controlled both the Republican and Democratic parties. More than 100 years ago, the platform of Roosevelt’s Bull Moose Party stated that destroying this invisible government – to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics – was the first task of the statesmanship of the day.

Numerous hurdles and roadblocks exist to prevent the effective formation of a new major political party, so we are beginning to prepare for the 2018 & 2020 election cycles today. We are looking for passionate people from all fifty states that are committed to building a better future for our society to run for Federal, State, and Local Government offices representing the Bull Moose Party. Please contact us immediately if you are interested in representing your community – we will do everything possible to support and assist you with getting on the ballot, campaigning, and figuring out what to do, what not to do, and how to get it all done.

The platform of the Bull Moose Party will be as incredibly diverse as our members, but there will be a number of common themes. We will fight to restore the voice of the little guy in our democracy by eliminating the influence of money in our political system. We will fight for the civil liberties of ALL Americans – regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, social status, or any of the other labels that are so often used to divide us. And we will fight for a truly balanced society with an economy that works for all of us – not just those at the very top of the economic spectrum.

One of the major structural differences between the existing parties and the Bull Moose Party is the way that we have decided to handle the nomination process for our candidates. Instead of utilizing decidedly undemocratic methods that give the power to delegates and party insiders instead of the people, we will simply use the popular vote to determine which of our candidates succeed. The Bull Moose Party stands firmly against placing bureaucratic layers on top of our democracy. We strongly oppose the use of delegates, superdelegates, and the Electoral College.

We are asking the American people to acknowledge the simple fact that we can do so much better than the existing major political parties. When we stand together – not as white or black, gay or straight, man or woman, Christian or Muslim, Republican or Democrat – but as Americans, we CAN create a political party that does not accept hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes from campaign contributors that demand preferential treatment. We CAN create a political party that is not led exclusively by millionaires that are willing to sign free trade agreements that close down businesses in America and send our jobs to impoverished nations throughout the world. We CAN create a political party that refuses to sit back and do absolutely nothing while The Federal Reserve centrally plans and manipulates our interest rates, money supply, inflation and unemployment metrics, and the economic fundamentals of the US Dollar. And we CAN create a political party that is sincerely committed to creating a truly balanced society, fostering an economy that works for all of us, and fighting for the civil liberties of ALL Americans.

Will you help us show the political establishment that #WeCanDoBetter?

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