Re-Support Edgeworld!

As we now already know, Kabam has abandoned Edgeworld and it's players. There are still many bugs to get fixed, cheaters to get banned, and bad ideas to be corrected. We all wouldn't be here if we did not like the game so that is why I propose a petition. The Kabam team does not seem to listen to individual people trying to get them to return to their game so we will have a much better chance if the entire Edgeworld community came together and asked them to support Edgeworld again. This game has great potential and they are just wasting it.

I understand that some of you may not be convinced of this but here is why you [B]should[/B] support this petition. Firstly, fixing a lot of bugs and issues and supporting Edgeworld will increase the game's retention rate and possibly attract new players to the game! This means that you will have more people online to work with or fight against! Secondly, by fixing a lot of these bugs, it will make the game more enjoyable for us.

If we all work together on this, I am sure that we will succeed!


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