Preserve and Expand Nepal's Dharmic Forest

A destructive attitude towards the forest has already led to a number of irreversible environmental disasters in various regions of our planet. As is happening all over the planet, forests in Nepal are being cut and polluted for monetary gains, which leads to disappearance of birds, animals and plants. Nepal has been classified by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) as the highest risk zone in Asia in terms of the ecological crisis.

Now we have the opportunity to protect the flora and fauna of a pristine jungle in Nepal.

Maha Sambodhi Dharma Sangha [1] has been meditating for six years [2] “for the happiness and well-being of the world, for the jungle, for conservation of plants” (Discovery Channel Documentary). The jungle area surrounding Tapasvi’s [3] meditation site is an ancient land. A very small part of this jungle has been already legalized as The Dharmic Forest (Dharma – universal and cosmic truth, righteous duty, virtuous path, liberating law.) It is forbidden to cut trees or grass, kill living beings or pollute the area inside of this area.

If the whole area were given The Dharmic Forest status, this would allow it become a safe sanctuary for numerous beautiful birds, animals and plants and help in their conservation.

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1) Born Ram Bahadur Bomjan, initiated with the name Palden Dorje, nicknamed the "Buddha Boy" by people.

2) 2005-2011 

3) Tapasvi – spiritual practitioner.  

We, the undersigned, respectfully submit to the Ministry of Forests & Soil Conservation, Nepal, this petition for due consideration to grant the legal status of "Dharmic Forest" to the entire jungle area including Pathlaiya, Halkoriya, and Ratanpuri. This petition is also addressed to all Citizens of Nepal whose proactive and loving participation is urgently needed by this beautiful part of Nepal's Nature now being threatened.

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