Urge NCAA to forbid the slaughter of Sea Lions, and Boycott North Pacific Salmon.

  • par: Brenda Hubka
  • destinataire: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Because the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Association authorized states to remove sea lions that threaten protected salmon, an unpredicented number of sea lions have been slaughtered. Two Pacific Northwest sea lions found shot dead this week, along with at least 18 others in the last two months, make up what one expert calls an "unprecedented" attack on marine mammals protected by federal law. 

The agency has authorized the states to remove up to 92 animals annually, but estimates that far fewer, about 25 to 30, will be taken each year, given the conditions in the authorization. However, these estimates are only guesses, and no local direction is given to find them a new home instead of killing them. The law does not punish illegal trappers and hunters. 

Dear National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: 

We realize you are charged with protecting the commercial concerns of North Pacific Fisherman and industries. However, such unrestrained approval to remove and kill sealions is leading to an unprecidented rate of killings. The program violates the Marine Mammal Protection Act and other laws. Sea lions are unfairly blamed for declining fishery stocks on the Columbia River. They say human fishing, hatchery practices, dams and environmental degradation pose a far greater risk to the fish. The states argue that California Sea Lions are hindering salmon recovery efforts in the Northwest.At the least, please put the program on hold until replacement can be verified and permits allowed only to fisherman with a vested interest. 

Thank you for any and all consideration.


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