Demand regulation on high wattage sub woofers and equipment capable of rocking the earth.

  • par: C.A.A.T.
  • destinataire: World Health Organization, U.S. President FCC, Head of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, ,

This video  from Thailand demonstrates how much of a pandemic this is and how it has spread to all parts of the globe, including from sources all the way down to S. America and Outer Mongolia one of the most remote parts of the world!

Whatever it takes this issue must once and for all be dealt with, if not W.H.O. the P.O.T.U.S then the FCC,  if not them then Fish and Wildlife, heaven help us if this issue continues to grow out of control and un-addressed.

Manufactures of Sub-Woofers and amplifiers don't care what happens to the equipment and how it is used, as long as they continue to profit and have the deep pockets to block all lobbying in D.C. they will continue to have no liablity for what is done with their equipment and who it hurts.

This is not "Loud Music" or "noise" these are powerful vibrations that mimic earthquakes and thunder and can rock the earth and foundations. The average auto or home stereo is generally around 600 watts or so, this petition is aimed at systems that are 10.000 watts or more and in some cases as much as 30.000 watts resulting in excruciating levels of sound pressure levels generally enhanced by 20hz or lower digitally enhanced tracks, that are potentially capable of putting an operator of a motor vehicle into a trance like state making them a potential hazard to themselves and other motorists. More nformation can be found on this link

It's not enough to make corporations liable for the suffering they have contributed to, something must be done to regulate the sale and distribution and heavily fine those who would continue to subject others including animals and small children and pregmant woman to this type of torture, if a driver is willing to subject an  small child or pregnant woman or animal to this kind of sound pressure level they should be fined or perhaps even jailed. This can only be torture for the small child or unborn fetus or pet and according to experts can lead to deafness in the child or unborn. This should be under the classifcation of child abuse, If a state like Oregon can pass a monumental law like the one recently passed that prohibits smoking in vehicles with children, surely countries and states and counties can agree on regulations and laws that will discourage this type of potential endangerment to the public!

This quote from an expert makes the distinction very clear

"NOT TO EVER BE USED IN CAR AUDIO SYSTEMS" or homes or businesses for that matter.

Sign this petition because this is something that might save your life or of somone you love.

Heavy Bass Booming Noise Exposure Can Puncture Lungs! ...Medical Warning:

Interesting to note this is a Boom Car boy warning his fellow thumpers of the dangers and potential lung collapse from heavy bass, as warned by Doctors in this BBC article lung collapse warning.


"One man was driving when he experienced a pneumothorax, characterised by breathlessness and chest pain. Doctors linked it to a 1,000 watt "bass box" fitted to his car to boost the power of his stereo. A pneumothorax occurs when air gets into the space between the lung and the membrane that covers it when small breaks occur in the lung wall. It is thought the intense pulses of low-frequency, high-energy sound causes the lung to rupture because air and tissue respond differently to sound."

The deep heavy obscene vibration from extreme sub woofers that is demonstrated here, whose only goal is to "Shake The Living Wake The Dead" and  can penetrate your vehicle, your home, business and vibrate your bone marrow  , making it feel like the worse shockwave you've ever felt in your life. Having experienced the San Fernando CA (Sylmar) quake of 1971 that measured 6.6 on the richter scale and decades later Northridge CA quake of 1994 that measured 6.7 on the richter scale and the many thousands of aftershocks that followed we know how it feels to literally feel like something terrible and painful is "rocking your world".

Citizens and wildlife are suffering mercilessly, (we can tell you based on the Ban Heavy Bass in Boom Cars petition  feedback there are many) and complain to law enforcement on a regular basis, only to be told there is little that can be done, or it's a low priority, you have to ask this question, if man power is indeed the issue as many citizens have been told and report as we have, because there is no reason for there not to be a coordinated effort to rid something that is so destructive to our communities and wild life. Sign this because you care about birds who's fragile legs can be injured or mamed by this type of sound pressure.

Sign this petition for the countless animals domestic and wild who are suffering needlessly everyday, you should see our cats when one of these monsters drive by, scares the life out of them.

Sign this petition for the many many mothers and fathers having to cope with their babies being awakened by one of these vehicles, after they have spent over an hour trying to get them back to sleep, sometimes in the middle of the night! We have been there ourselves and have seen the comments from other parents as well.

 Sign this petition for the countless sufferers all over the world who have pleaded, begged for a solution and have found none and continue to suffer from this "accoustic terror"

Sign this petition to protect children especialy Autistic children from this nightmare most autistic chidren are sensitive to noise, that causes them to bang their heads uncontrollably any time they are exposed to this type of "noise" "loud music"

screeming child

Sign this petition, for our nations veterans who have suffered needlessly after coming home to live in heavy bass infested neighborhoods.


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