End the dogmeat trade in Thailand

Soi Dog is an organisation in Thailand who take cares of dogs and cats.  They also fight against the meat trade.

This is how it the trade is


This is one dog of the many animals which are safe and have been taken care of


Latest News

Just after midnight on October 17th, our undercover investigators joined forces once more with the Royal Thai Army and Royal Thai Police to conduct a raid on a dog tannery owned by one of the most powerful men in Tha Rae, north-eastern Thailand.

Four people were arrested, including the owner of the facility and his Vietnamese wife. Some of the evidence found at the scene included 88 dead dogs, 14 of which had already been skinned, 1,170 kilos of dog meat and 95 dog skins. The dog meat and skin was destined for Vietnam.

This latest arrest is a huge success, as the tannery owner was one of the biggest – if not THE biggest – dog meat and dog skin operator in the region.

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Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
There is good news, it is one of the biggest trader that they can arrested for meat trade.
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