Opposition to proposed commuinty pier in Rappahannock River near Fones Cliffs

  • par: Vivian Clark
  • destinataire: Anyone who is concerned about saving wildlife habitat especially eagle nesting areas

This area is probably one of the most significant sites in the Chesapeake Bay area for eagles.  The Audubon Society has identified this stretch of the river as the most pristine of the major tributaries and an important bird area with global significance because it serves as host each year to literallh hundreds of species of migratory birds.

This is a stretch of the Rappahannock River where the salinity level is so delicately balanced that it supports the growth of endangered wetland plants and provides habitat for both fresh and saltwater fish, blue crabs and grass shrimp in the same body of water. 

I would be almost criminal to think of destroying this habitat.


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