Demand funding for ADULT education to prevent suburban forest fires.

  • par: Steven K
  • destinataire: California Department of Fish & Wildlife, Office of Legislative Affairs

The Wine Country Fires killed over 40 people and destroyed thousands of homes. There is funding available for educational videos on the scientific principles of conservation at the county level through the County Supervisors and the errant sportsmen's fine money fund. ie penalties levied for too many fish in possession or hunting out of season. This money is available for fish and wildlife enhancement projects (fish stocking programs and nature trails)

With fewer Californians participating in traditional hunting and fishing activities, an expanding wild lands urban interface and a longer fire season, the time has come to expand the definition of eligible projects to include video education for ADULTS (outside the K-12 educational system).

Thus, we must persuade the California Department of Fish and Wildlife's, Office of Legislative Affairs,  to specifically include ADULT education on conservation issues as eligible for funding, in Section 13103(a) of the Fish and Game Code.

The Fish and Game Commission has a web site and a link to a petition form at but this is only there to petition to change the regulations. ie the number of fish in possession or the length of the hunting season. So don't sign this petition. The Fish & Game Code can only be changed by an act of the State legislature. This was my mistake in not understanding this distinction. 

So if you write or email the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Office of Legislative Affairs, please mention ADULT education (outide the K-12 system) and the need for fire safety and environmental videos dealing with resource conservation issues.

For an example of the kind of video project that is NOT currently eligible for funding, please surf over to

Competition for funding will bring out the best in the community of film makers and new and creative approaches to this multi billion dollar issue. I'm only asking for a level playing field. Although I've seen other video projects for adult audiences funded through the fine money fund, clarifying the language of the law will remove the ambiguity.

Please ask Director Julie Oltman for a change in State law.

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