Help Stop Bats Dying in Oz

Netting that is loosley drapped over a backyard fruit tree has to be the deadliest and the cruelest method of protecting ripening fruit. It is responsible for thousands of deaths of flying-foxes and other wildlife annually across Australia. Thrown loosly over a tree, it has the potential to cause horrific injuries including slow death. Loose netting traps animals so completely that is cuts off circulation, causes bruising, breaks bones and cuts into flesh resulting in ghastley wounds. Most bats caught are either pregnant or supporting dependant young. The terror of capture and the desperate struggle for freedom causes miscarriages and the deaths of innocent babies. If  puppies and kittens were being trapped, no society would condone this preventable cruelty. So why do we tolerate this? Help us to have these products banned from sale by giant hardware stores and wholesalers. There are wildlife safe, affordable alternatives to drape netting that will guarantee 100% of your harvest. Please visit

We the undersigned seek urgent action from all State and Federal Governments to create Australian standards for the protection of our iconic wildlife to have draped netting banned at point of sale due to inhumane cruelty. Drape netting is used extensively for backyard fruit tree protection and giant retail store are fully aware that the products they import are killing flying-foxes and other wildlife where ever it is used across Australia. It affects mostly flying-fox mothers with tiny babies as they are trying to support themselves as well as their young. They smell the fruit but do not see the netting. With busy lives no one goes to the trouble of errecting a frame. These dangerous types of netting must be removed from the marketplace. Drape netting is killing our essential pollinators and seed dispersers in such a cruel and sadistic way. We the rescuers are angry and tied of the cruelty and the deaths. We need animal welfare standards created so these products cannot be imported. There are alternatives to these death traps. Please help us stop the cruelty to our precious wildlife.
Bat Conservation & Rescue Qld Inc.


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