Unfairly Prosecuted Animal Activist!

  • par: Tiffany Stearns
  • destinataire: Monroe County, FL / Chief Circuit Judge Luis M. Garcia

Animal activism is not comparable to terrorism. In a day and age when murderers are allowed to go free within our judicial system, it seems absurd to punish Arnold Christopher Lagergren so harshly and it sets a dangerous precedent for all animal activists. We have a community wanting answers as to why such harsh punishment has been implemented. The misdemeanor charges sufficiently cover his alleged crimes, and anything in addition to these charges indicates an inability of the Judicial System to stand up to corporate pressure. Trespassing and taking pictures should not be considered a felony offense with a possible sentence of eight years in prison, and Arnold Christopher Lagergren does not derserve to be made an example merely because his actions threatened corporate profitability. Please help us demand that Monroe County does what is right, not what is politically easy.

"Lagergren faces a prison sentence of up to five years if convicted of a felony under the Florida Animal Enterprise Protection Act. Each of the misdemeanor charges he faces could add a year to that sentence. Lagergren was charged with four misdemeanor counts of trespass and vandalism for alleged incidents at the Marine Mammal Conservancy. Police reports describe him as affiliated with the international Animal Liberation Front organization, which advocates "direct action" against animal captivity...Monroe County Court Judge Regan Ptomey set bonds totaling $30,000 on the four charges, according to court records." ~The Miami Herald

Meet Sgt. Javier Ortiz. He's the V.P. of the Miami Fraternal Order of Police. He's also the officer who violently arrested Chris at gunpoint while off-duty and in another jurisdiction:


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We have a community demanding answers. Animal activism is not comparable to terrorism, and it is wrong for your county to make an unfair example of Arnold Christopher Lagergren. The misdemeanor charges sufficiently cover his alleged crimes, and anything in addition to these charges indicates an inability of the Judicial System to stand up to corporate pressure. Trespassing and taking pictures should not be considered a felony offense. Please reevaluate and charge appropriately. Arnold Christopher Lagergren's passion for an animal should not be punished because it threatens corporate profitability. Please do what is right, not what is politically easy.


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