No more Bullfighting in South Korea!

Do you know the story of' Ferdinand'? You can also find this kind of sad story in Korea.

There are huge festivals every Autumn in Korea and one of the famous events is a Bullfighting. Big bulls bred through a severe and intense environment throughout the country are sent to 11 cities. Those cows heavily chained with nose rings spend days together before their battle, which means immense fear and pain for them.
Once their nose ring gets pulled, they will suffer the pain equivalent of 1 ton of weight on their nose. They'd fiercely resist at first, but in the end get dragged into the feared bullfight arena.

Despite concerns and criticisms from animal protection agencies, the bullfight often involves illegal gambling and it would never stop.

In the course of fights among the 600 kilogram heavyweight cows, they get their horns broken and suffer a number of injuries. These fights are not over until a bleeding cow lower the sails.

Bulls have no reason to fight. The reason that this retrograde bullfight still exist is that bullfighting is not illegal in Korea. Thus, I would like this petition against brutal Korean bullfight to be acknowledged by many in our efforts to make this bullfight including all animal related fights stipulated as 'illegal'. As a Korean who loves nature, I strongly ask for your help and support in terminating this long-lasting viscious circle for good. If it's illegal for human being, it should be illegal for animals, too.


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