Justice for Pookie!The dog set on fire!

Greenville, S.C. - Losing faith in humanity, one dog at a time. Unbelievably, another story about a dog caught on fire at the hands of cruel people. Yesterday, a story about Lady, the dog doused with gasoline and lit on fire on Halloween.

This morning, a heart-wrenching story of a dog in Greenville suffering from extensive burns after his dog house was set on fire. It gets worse...the dog house was over-turned on the dog, the dog was chained, and there was a cinderblock placed on the dog's head to prevent him from moving.

The dog had been left behind by his owner at a home that was for sale. The owner left the dog chained in the backyard so that he could "keep an eye on things'. How a chained dog, confined to an empty backyard is supposed to protect a home is a mystery....

A neighbor told WYFF4 News that the burned dog had been chained in the backyard for 11-12 years. Though the neighbor was stating that the dog never caused anyone any trouble, her statement is profoundly sad.

In the neighbor's statement, there is no mention that it is tragic that the dog spent 11-12 years on the end of a chain. There is no mention that it is heart-breaking that the dog was alone in the backyard, a vulnerable target to predators.

The burned dog, named Pookie, is currently being treated at the North Greenville Animal Hospital. He is in severe pain from injuries to his face, especially his eyes and nose. However, he is expected to survive.

The homeowner/dog owner has relinquished her rights to the dog and Pookie will be in need of a new home. Individuals interested in adopting Pookie can phone Animal Care Services at 864-467-3950.

Individuals hoping to help donate funds for Pookie's medical care can either call 864-467-3954, or mail donations to: Animal Care Services at 328-C Furman Hall Rd., Greenville, SC 29609.

Anyone with information on the burning of this innocent dog is asked to phone the Greenville Police. Tips can be called in to Crime Stoppers at 23-CRIME, or the Greenville County Sheriff's office, 864-467-5357, or Greenville Police Dept. 864-467-5268.

The incident occurred Tuesday, late afternoon at a home located in the 200 Block of Perry Avenue. If you saw anything out of the ordinary, please pick up the phone and call the police. This person must be punished.

We the petition signers demand that we get justice for Pookie,he was a dear,innocent animal that did not deserve what happened to him.We also feel that the neighbors could have done much much more to help this dog before this terrible,disgusting thing happened to him.We want all of those responable for this, prosecuted to the full extent of Greenvill S.C. laws,thank you the petition signers.12/02/2010

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