Demand San Francisco Mayor STOP The Panda Plan For Our Zoo

This year San Francisco's (now outgoing) Mayor London Breed, took an interest in Our Zoo for the first time. Unfortunately it wasn't the interest Our Zoo needed. Instead of learning about the Needs of our Zoo, Mayor Breed joined the ranks of those who have used Our Zoo for their own personal Wants, and decided bringing Giant Pandas to Our Zoo was a fantastic idea. What it was and is, is fantastical. If Our Zoo was in a better position, Pandas would be great, but not til then.

With all that has happened with the Zoo since her Panda announcement, and considering she did not get re-elected, she has no skin in the game, Mayor Breed needs to end what she started and use her authority to over-ride Director Peterson and the Zoological Society, and stop the current process of bringing Pandas to Our Zoo at this time. Instead urging the Zoo to tend to all the Needs and Fixes, and revisit acquiring Pandas in a couple years.

The Mayor entered into this whirlwind touting, economic gain by bringing Pandas here, but at no time was there any realistic consideration for what hosting Pandas would cost the Zoo, and not just financially.

Either ignoring the actual state of Our Zoo, or being in cahoots with Zoo Director Tanya Peterson to create the illusion that Pandas in Our Zoo is currently a doable option, Mayor Breed's Panda Plan has already caused chaos, and the Pandas aren't even here.

I'll give her the benefit of the doubt, and assume Mayor Breed entered into this fantasy not knowing anything about the Zoo. She bought the illusion that there was an Asian Conservation area with a designated space for Pandas, that Director Peterson sold her. Then she sold it to China. Now, that's the assumption. If she indeed knew that was untrue, and knew anything about the housing issues for many acquisitions (Orangutans+) in the Zoo, then shame on her.

Mayor Breed continued to chase Pandas, even though there is no way she wasn't enlightened along the way. I know my efforts to inform her, reached her inner circle, as well as the Board of Supervisors, and Park Commission. That combined with concerns voiced in the media, there was no way she could escape the facts. I am very clear with my words and presentation, very thorough in my networking and very tenacious. If she is still uneducated about the Zoo, it's because she has chosen to remain so.

Let's take note of the probable scenario if/when Pandas get here.

First let's note that it's almost certain that Mayor Breed and Director Peterson, both wanted Pandas for selfish reasons. They both faced job uncertainty earlier this year, and thought Pandas would save them. Thankfully Breed was not re-elected as she is the one to blame for the literal Pandemonium. It is well rumored among staff that allegedly Director Peterson had planned to retire months ago, but decided to stay until Pandas got here. She is delusional if she thinks having acquired Pandas on her resume will outshine the damage she has done to the Orangutans and the other Animals who have suffered because of her.

Now let's talk about Peterson's $20 Million goal. Since Mayor Breed couldn't raise a dollar and won't be in the picture after January 8, her promise that Panda costs would not come from Zoo, led most to believe that meant The City and private Donors would fund the Pandas, is a moot point. How long will that $20 Million last with Panda rental fees, enclosure work, dedicated staff, extra security and flying in Bamboo? Tanya Peterson will allegedly walk away from the Zoo before Panda year two, leaving it with a hefty annual bill just for Pandas, without looking back, except to blame the next Director when the Zoo has to send the Pandas back because they can't afford them.

When the Board of Supervisors approved Mayor Breed's fundraising plan, they put a stipulation on that some of the funds raised would go to the Needs of Animals currently living at the Zoo. An assurance that all the money would not be just for Pandas. Now with Director Peterson the only one to have raised funds, that stipulation does not apply, meaning most likely no other Animal Needs will benefit. The assumption by Peterson is that the attendance will double when Pandas get here. Whether or not that will be true, it would seem that any additional revenue from an attendance increase, would have to go back into the Panda Pot, to pay the next years expenses. It seems like this will be a continuing cycle, that leaves the Zoo and the current Animals in the same position it is in now.

This plea is not about the sensationalized attacks on failures put forth by Anti-Zoo Activists, that continue to flood their respective social media, and the attention they have been given by mainstream media. It is about being realistic, about what the Zoo can financially handle and how proceeding with bringing Pandas to Our Zoo will affect the Needs of Animals that already live there, and the future of the Zoo.

If Mayor Breed ever cared about the Zoo, she needs to do the right thing for it now. She's got one month left in Office...

It's time for Mayor Breed to Pull the Plug on the Panda Plan, and stop the insanity.

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For More Information, visit my San Francisco Zoo Related blog...

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Please visit my San Francisco Zoo Related blog for more information

about Why I started this Petition and Why Our SFZoo needs work before bringing Pandas here, both in taking care of current Animal Needs, grounds neglect, and installing a new Director and management structure. All these components are vital to Our Zoo thriving into the future.
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