Effective September of 2012, families in NYC who have already selected independent contractors and/ or agencies to provide special needs CPSE (Committee on Pre-School Education) services inclusive of speech-language pathology, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and special instruction, are being contacted (in some cases) via phone by CPSE Administrators, and told directly that they can only receive services through those agencies designated by NYC Department of Education (DOE) as primary, secondary, or tertiary award winners, as a result of an RFP or Request for Proposal process.
Families are not allowed choice.
Contracted providers are having their contracts seemingly withdrawn.
Special needs services are being disrupted.
Special Needs CHILDREN are AGAIN the losers in New York City.
It is clear that NYS is NOT talking to NYC and NYC is thumbing its nose at the horrific pre-school special education audits performed by the NYS Comptroller's Office.
Additionally, at the CSE level or 5-21 years, those students who attend approved NON-public schools with RSA's or Related Service Authorizations are being asked to find another placement that can fulfill all services, as per changes introduced by NY State Education Department (NYSED).
The necessity for RSA's and thIs crucial work that occurs in the home environment is being obliterated.
Children are being uprooted. Independent contractors, small business men and women are losing their income again.
NYC Early Intervention, part of the NYC DOH/MH, continues to turn away children deemed "ineligible" with those deemed eligible receiving service authorizations that are NOT therapeutic and not reflective of consensus required by Federal Legislation, IDEA Part C.
NYS used to be considered the premier state in its treatment of our children with special needs.
"A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members" and the same applies to New York State, Mr. Governor!
We need an Executive Order limiting the power of municipalities, in particular NYC, to manage and educate our children with special needs.
WE can no longer tolerate the allowance and acceptance citywide and statewide of "Bloomberg being Bloomberg" and his overt domination over HOW children with special needs should be educated.
We will not return to the days of Willowbrook.