Oregon Fish & Wildlife - Investigate Poisoning of Crows; Find & Get Punishment for Abusers!
- par: Sue Lee
- destinataire: Portland, Oregon Fish & Wildlife
Please sign and share this petition in an effort to encourage a thorough investigation into the mystery of why so many crows are dying from poisoning. Neighbors and residents of the area alerted authorities when noted several crows dying or deceased. We are encouraging Fish and Wildlife to investigate the poisoning in hopes of finding where and why this is occurring - if foul play is involved.
In Portland, Oregon, authorities are concerned about possible tainted corn that is leading to the demise of many of the areas crows. Reports from several residents state they have witnessed dead crows or those that were flopping around in pain and seizures as they were losing their battles with life.
Although tests are not fully completed on the corn consumed, authorities believe it was intentionally tainted with poison in order to kill the birds. A spokesman for the Portland Audubon Society says that that flocks of hundreds to thousands of the crows gather and draw attention in the downtown area. Their suspicions of foul play and tainted feed derives from the fact that corn is not normally found in urban development areas. As soon as the cause of the crow tragedy is confirmed, we are urging that the Fish and Wildlife diligently investigate fully in an effort to find who is responsible so that the birds are saved! Help us in our efforts to put an end to these poisonings of the crows by signing and sharing this petition nationally on all your media sites. We have to stop these abusers from hitting again.
Portland, Oregon Fish & Wildlife - You need to fully investigate the poisoning of the crows in your area to determine foul play, who is responsible and why so that the birds can be saved. As developments occur, ensure getting law enforcement authorities involved so that whoever is intentionally trying to kill off these birds so they can be stopped and brought to extreme justice and harshest punishment.