Stop the cruelty at Wild Mammal Hunting Simulation Centres March

  • par: Volunteers
  • destinataire: The gpvernment of Russian Federation
Wild Mammal Hunting Simulation Centres are widespread in Russia and often carried out their activities in urban as well as rural areas. It is the Hunting Centres where hunters can train their dogs by setting them onto wild mammals such as bears, foxes, badgers etc. The hunting dogs themselves are safe from close contact. But wild animals as the objects of persecution sustain tremendous injuries as they can not fight back since these poor creatures are confined to an enclosure with no escape by being kept on a metal chain often with their fangs removed .
Yet it is significant to remember that the unfortunate fox or badger even if not kept on chain is also denied its escape mechanism in traditional hunting sense since wild mammals' earths are blocked prior to a training session thus preventing the fox or badger its natural sanctuary of escaping underground. It is a premeditated action which is arranged in advance for the sole purpose of participating in an organised and contrived event of encouraging dogs to attack another animal.
Dogs train every day at these Centres. For the amount of 200 rubles( equivalent to 7 US Dollars) dogs owners can train their pets for a 10 minutes session. For this money hunting dog is allowed to attack and to bite poor animal for the maximum number of times with no consequences to dog's owner whatsoever.
Unfortunately these Centres are popular amongst minority of people who perceive it as a recreational activity. These Centres are widely advertised in local newspapers and magazines. What people don't know is that there is an option where hunting dogs owners if they want are allowed to let their dogs to torment wild animal to death.
There are hundreds of Wild Mammal Hunting Simulation Centres in Russia and all of them are legal due to the fact that no restrictions have been imposed by Russian Government on such a cruel and inhumane activities carried out at above Centres.
Therefore the experts stand for that the whole procedure can be made more humane if the appropriate legislation will take place prior to consultations with all parties involved.
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