
To whom wants to read:

Update: Grizzle was put to sleep, thank you all to the supporters. It's time to take a stand and hope for a change. I can't begin to thank you all for the sweet messages. I'll truly miss my son, until we meet again at the Rainbow Bridge. A year ago I adopted this beautiful dog, this confused lost soul was no longer left to wonder where to call home. The moment I took him in I realized he was special and a huge goofball at that. His personality only began to shine once he knew he wasn't going anywhere. His goofy looks, silly quarks, and his playfulness was enough to melt your heart.
I loved him like a son, I protected him like a child. He was a part of my family. I did everything with him whenever I had the chance. I knew he loved cheese, sharp cheddar. Oh he'd do anything for cheese. Also would do anything to cuddle with you, and love on you. Whenever you were down he would just lay there until you fell asleep and be there when you awoke. He got to experience playing in the snow and go for hikes, oh he loved walking about trails exploring and playing hide and seek.
As time went on, our bond grew stronger our hearts were linked together. I got to experience watching Grizlee play fetch for the very first time, and that was beyond magical. Watching his eyes twinkle when catching and chasing around the house with his pumpkin was in itself amazing, his personality was showing.
Grizzle you came into my life for a reason, now it's my job to promise you that the time you were on Earth was too short, I will fight for you and prove that every minute, every second I had with you was worth it. You'll be in my heart until the day God allows me to see you again.

I took you out on our early morning walk and a stupid decision on my part, a situation that I'd beg not to happen a situation that was unforseen. You got lose my son and you felt you were being attacked you were protecting me and you didn't know any different. I owned up to what happened, and I did what was asked of me by Aurora Animal Services.
They deemed you vicious, they asked me to muzzle you for the safety of the public. The aftermath, I watched you like a hawk, as your mom I did everything in my power to not let it happen again. I should of gone further and worked out that quark of yours. We moved past the first incident.

Just a short time afterwards, you were in your home around your family and having a good time. Playing and being a goof with Foxie, Ollie, and Boogie you were being a dog. Than someone came into the home and you felt your family was in the danger, and you did something you shouldn't have and you didn't do anything wrong. Someone shouldn't have come into a home until the time people were suppose to come over. The victims didn't want to charge you or move forward, but they lied and you were taken from your home and locked into cage. I promised you I'd take you home to your family, where you knew you were loved.

I rallied the troops and started the fight to bring you home.
The day came and this is where I knew you weren't coming home.
The City Attorney, Animal Services, and the Aurora Courts deemed you a dangerous dog a public safety issue. The City Attorney was set in putting you to death, because you did it again within six weeks it didn't matter that someone came into the home unannounced, the City Attorney only cared about the fact you did it again within six weeks and deemed me as an unfit dog owner. The victim didn't report it, the wife did. My words, evidence, and testimony were garbage the moment they landed on the City Attorney table. The Animal Services didn't care, they deemed you dangerous. The Judge ruled in their favor and took you away from me, but they didn't take away the fact your my son and I love you.

Grizlee didn't do anything wrong, the Animal Services, City Attorney, Aurora Courts, and our Judicial system failed you and me. You should've of come home to me. I am sorry that I failed you and I am sorry that I didn't do more to protect you. As for people that read this; please be advised protect your animal, get education on your animal and the laws. Because Aurora Animal Services and Aurora Animal Shelter plus the Judicial System will do anything to drown you and kick you out and kill your dog unless you have the knowledge and tools in your back pocket. Please there are avenues out there do your research, before this happens to you or anyone you know.

Grizlee is now sitting in a cage awaiting death, merely on the fact he bit someone within a six week margin. Even though there was a party going on and guest weren't suppose to arrive until a later time, the courts didn't see it that way. Grizzle will cross the rainbow bridge, he'll be in heaven looking down. As his mom it'll be my job moving forward advocating that education, laws, and resources be more readily available to owners and the courts so this doesn't happen again.

I love you and thank you for blessing me with your spunk. You'll be dearly missed by so many, please know that you didn't do anything wrong and I look forward to seeing you in heaven.

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 7 ans
Grizzle was put to sleep, Aurora Animal Shelter has deemed him aggressive. Until we meet again at the Rainbow Bridge.

I can't begin to thank you all for the support and sweet messages, I wish I could have bought my son home.

Elaine & Griz
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