Tell the NSW Government To Keep Protections for Threatened Species!

Big changes are being made to State Forest rules, and Australia's most iconic animals may disappear if these changes are approved.

The Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals (IOFA) is a set of new agreements that could expand the geography of logging areas. But in order to expand these areas, protected wildlife habitats will become up for grabs.

This makes a huge impact on wildlife. The spotted-tail quoll currently has 12 hectares of protected no-logging zones around their dens, but that space would drop down to just 3.5 hectares! Wombats and koalas would also see their habitats reduced, and environmental experts say frog populations could actually go extinct.

These changes aren't final. Add your name and tell the NSW Government to reject the IOFA and keep wildlife protections in place!
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