Craigslist must absolutely ban any and all buying, selling, and giving away of animals on their site!

Craigslist must change their terms of use and ban the buying, selling, and giving away of animals on their site. A loophole in the Craigslist terms of use means the only requirement one must meet in order to deal in animals is to list a rehoming fee. This leads to a multitude of extremely serious issues. Backyard breeders trading in sickly animals appear reputable to the unsuspecting eye. Unvetted adopters take animals into their homes under false pretenses, often for heartbreaking purposes such as dog fighting and torture. Pet flippers who adopt pets for low fees from shelters sell the animals to the highest bidder. The list goes on and on, but Craigslist's terms of use in relation to animals must not.
Craigslist terms of use need to change. Craigslist must absolutely and without exception ban any and all buying, selling, and giving away of animals on their site. Not tomorrow or the next day. But now.


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