Launch the Kolahoi Accord and Save Kashmir

  • par: 13.7 Billion Years
  • destinataire: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
We call upon President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to form a "Kolahoi Accord" that creates, by 2011, a bilateral research and development committee with members from local governments, green businesses, trade unions and environmental organizations such as The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in Delhi and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in Pakistan to come up with a sustainable solution to save the Kolahoi Glacier in Kashmir from disappearing.

It is time to stop the violence in Kashmir and work together to solve this environmental crisis.

Because violence is just the tip of Kashmir's iceberg. Kolahoi, a twin-peaked glacier rising almost 18,000 feet (5,500m) into the sky, is rapidly melting due to global warming. The glacier's importance cannot be overestimated: Kolahoi is the region's only source of year-round fresh water, and is the origin of the valley's teeming apple orchards and rich fields of wheat, corn, rice and saffron.

Given the region's separatist violence, Kolahoi has not been the most accessible place for scientists to visit. But local reports suggest that it has retreated up to half a mile (800 meters) since the mid-1980s. Geologists estimate that, at the current melt rate, the glacier will be totally gone in ten years.

Parts of the Kolahoi Accord could include trade incentives on goods that depend on a healthy glacier, the development of ecotourism and other market-driven initiatives to improve the livelihood of millions of Kashmiris.

And the Kashmiri youth are already one step ahead of the violence that has riddled Kashmir's past. Instead of guns, they carry cameras to record instances of abuse, which are then posted on the internet. Perhaps if India allows peaceful protest and reduces the military tension a bit, the young photographers could be enlisted to train their lenses on recording the effects of the receding glacier instead of on public beatings by the police.

Whatever a Kolahoi Accord may or may not accomplish, if it means giving the violence a temporary rest to ponder the future of a glacier that everybody needs, it's certainly worth the effort.

For more information, visit 13.7 Billion Years.

Map courtesy of Planemad.
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