Can you help to save Park Pharmacy Trust, Plymouth?

Dear All

I'm trying to raise awareness of the plight of the Park Pharmacy Trust, which is chaired by Dr Jan Knight, which is being taken to pieces by Plymouth council over a disagreement regarding planning approval on the land adjacent to this wonderful museum.

The historical contents, plus additional items are being auctioned off on Monday 27th February 2012 by Plymouth council and the Trust are trying their utmost to stop the auction, or at least win it to retrieve the contents back and restock the museum to it's former glory.

The museum is/was well used by children, schools and the elderly.  I have created a post on my blog to try to get some help for the Trust, and to raise wider interest in the the Trust website.

The website really is worth a look. This place is a hidden gem that would be a great loss to the local community.

Many thanks for reading this.

Kind Regards


We the undersigned would like you to stop the unnecesary auction of the contents of the Park Pharmacy Trust museum. This is unnecessary and there can be a better resolution with negotiation. The museum is well used by children , schools and the elderly. The destruction of the museum would be a sad loss to the local community.

Thank you for reading this letter,
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