Exile the Trump family to Russia

    Donald Trump and his supporters have attempted a coup based on alternative facts about the presidential election. They intend to take over America for their masters in Russia, which is treason and unforgivable.

    * He insists that the election was stolen despite no credible data
    * He has cut immigration and separated families at the border
    * He is a bigot who makes fun of disabled reporters and women
    * He encouraged violence and white supremacy
    * He destroyed the socialized medicine that America needs
    * He has lowered American prestige in international politics
    * He encouraged the Russians to hack the American government

    This has to stop. This politician is a one-man tyranny machine who intends to take over American government and destroy our democracy. The only way to preserve humanitarianism, compassion, empathy, and love in our society is to exile Donald Trump and his family to Russia.
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