400 Thousand Animals Killed For Botox Testing

A recent report by Cruelty Free International claims that more than 400,000 mice are killed every year for botox testing in the EU. And not a humane death, either - the terrified animals die slowly of paralysis, suffocating while completely conscious.

Although used for some very limited medical purposes, botox is predominantly used to prevent wrinkles and facial lines.

There has been a ban against animal testing for cosmetic purposes in the EU since 2013, but unfortunately botox is injected, not applied, and that causes these deaths to fall into a loophole - only external products are considered "cosmetic".

This loophole allows an astonishing number of animals to be killed every year for a cosmetic practice.

Animal testing for botox must be stopped, now. It has to be included in the cosmetic testing law and the lives of these animals spared. No lives must be taken for whims and fashion trends!


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