Save Roti Island Snake-Necked Turtle

  • par: Turtle Defenders
  • destinataire: President of Indonesia, Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

 The Roti Island snake-necked turtle (Chelodina mccordi) is one of the most desired turtles in the international pet trade. Even before it was scientifically described it was so over-collected that the legal trade was prohibited in 2001 due to its rarity. The two or three remaining populations live in an area of only 70 km² in the central highlands of Roti Island, Indonesia. It is still illegally captured and it is often offered on markets under the label of the New Guinea Snake-necked Turtle which is also legally protected. In 2004 it was listed in Appendix II of CITES.

The international trade is the greatest threat to the survival of C. mccordi. Prices paid for these turtles by outside buyers have greatly increased, and are far higher than the annual income of the local people on Roti Island. As a result, any turtles captured are exported.

The slow process of captive breeding for reintroduction is its only hope now.

Please, sign the petition to help save these critically endangered, restricted-range endemic turtle species.




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