We the undersigned request your diligent and honorable action in this matter. We are alarmed and disheartened by the exclusively pro-Israeli stance that the current administration has taken on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Even the UN has condemned the outright disproportionate assault that Israel has committed. We beseech you as well as others to condemn the hostility on both sides, but more importantly and urgently, to condemn the massacre that is being committed by the Israeli government and that the policies of the current administration support.
* The Palestinian people must be given some hope of freedom from Israeli occupation and domination.
* Israel's immoral and illegal collective punishment of the Palestinian people living in the Gaza Strip must end.
* America must support a just and comprehensive resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that takes into account the rights and responsibilities of all parties.
Israel's attacks are disproportionate and excessive and these attacks impede any true attempt at fomenting peace and justice in this conflict and in the region at large. These attacks harm our own nation's image and interests throughout the world while also strengthening the voices of extremism. Please take up the righteous cause of an even-handed Middle-East policy that is in everyone's true interest, and not just Israel's. Our foreign policies in the region can no longer be exclusively pro-Israeli, but rather inclusive, just and honorable to all throughout the region, Arab and Israeli.
Thank you for your time and interest in a Just and Peaceful Solution
Humbly, Hopefully and Sincerely,